• 天台農樂

  • U3A-木搥砧板上

  • 與您同遊迪士尼

  • 耆趣活樂遊嘉年華

  • 義工嘉許禮

  • 全港長者硬地滾球大賽

  • 水晶頌缽療愈工作坊

  • U3A第三齡夢想+計劃

  • 眾樂樂水鄉之旅 「澳」!出發吧!

  • 泰拳體驗班


  • Social & Recreational Activities

    Our aim is to promote healthy and active ageing among different age groups of our older adults so as to keep active participation and lifelong learning.

  • Dementia Care Support

    Our aim is to support people with cognitive impairment and their families in the community by providing different activities and trainings.

  • Hidden and vulnerable elder service

    Hidden and vulnerable elder service is a community support service. Through outreaching activities, reach out and identify 'hidden' and singleton elders, bring them out of isolation, encourage and assist them to develop their social life, and refer those in need to the existing public support network.


    To provide counselling to older adults so as to resolve their emotional and interpersonal relationship problems, accommodation and financial difficulties.

  • Carer and Needy Carer Support Service

    Carer Support Service aims at supporting carers to take care of their older family members in the community so as to enhance well-being of carers and the elderly.

  • Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project

    We joined “Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project” in 2017. The eHealth project is the first territory-wide elderly care support project which integrates health management technology, community care and professional support.

  • Day Care Centre for the Elderly



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